Very few people are aware that many household chemicals used in cooking have untapped healing properties. One of these most common household items, however, has a potential that is quite difficult to believe, and it is sodium bicarbonate, which has been growing lately as it appears that this chemical is capable of improving the kidneys by doing their even more efficient operation.
British scientists at the Royal Hospital in London discovered that sodium bicarbonate slows the progress of kidney disease by being able to improve the kidneys through its supply. Additionally, the US National Institutes of Health has conducted experiments showing that kidney dialysis using bicarbonate agents has more restorative properties than standard dialysis treatments. It may be difficult to accept, but the box you keep in your fridge to keep it out of odors can save your life, too.
What Causes Kidney Injuries
First, it is important to understand the typical cause of kidney injury so you can see how it is typically treated and how these standard treatments differ from baking soda. The endocrine system produces hormones and enzymes that help digest food into safer chemicals that your body can process. The pancreas is normally the organ that produces the most sodium bicarbonate to protect the kidneys during digestion.
Sometimes even the kidneys will produce additional amounts of this enzyme depending on the type of diet your digestive system is subjected to. If your diet puts too much stress on these two organs (especially a diet full of sugars, fried fatty foods, and other unhealthy options that cause the endocrine system to work overtime in order to process these proteins and sugars), both the pancreas and the kidneys will suffer a significant reduction in their ability to produce sodium bicarbonate naturally.
Without the production of enough sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the acids produced during digestion, these acids can erode organ health, damage the kidneys, and accelerate the aging process in adults.
Sodium bicarbonate on dialysis
When those with significant kidney damage undergo kidney dialysis or treatment, sodium bicarbonate is one of the most common agents used. This process, known as an acid regulator, is a basic means of supplementation, and is the basis for most new forms of dialysis treatments. This agent, when processed through the dialysis machine, aids in the removal of excess fluids and waste materials from the blood.
Therefore, dialysis is to help add the sodium bicarbonate that your kidneys cannot produce in your endocrine system to help you process food and waste materials in the bloodstream. When your body is producing normal amounts of bicarbonate on its own, this can prolong the lifespan of the kidneys, the endocrine system, and their overall lifespan in general.
What evidence provides substantial proof for this claim?
The US National Institutes of Health conducted studies where they first looked at the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate dialysis in place of biofiltration dialysis without normal acetate. Patients placed on the sodium bicarbonate treatment had higher nitrate oxide synthase, the process that balances the pH of the blood. The patients treated normally by biofiltration without acetate, had a reaction inferior to BHD in the activation of the cells of the vascular wall to the synthesis / release of pro-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic mediators.
Additionally, other studies by Dr. Ione de Brito-Ashurst and his colleagues from the Department of Renal Medicine and Transplantation showed that daily sodium bicarbonate intake slows the progress of chronic kidney disease and prevents patients from having to undergo to kidney dialysis.
This randomized controlled trial showed that patients given a lower daily dose of SB for a period of one year only had their kidney function declining only 2/3 of that of patients receiving standard treatment for kidney disease. . In short, baking soda can prevent and in some cases reverse the onset of chronic kidney failure and stop related diseases like heart disease and end-stage kidney disease.
How to Improve Kidneys Using Baking Soda
Daily baking soda intake is not for everyone. It is usually given as a powder along with water and can be very hard on a sensitive stomach or those who are easily prone to nausea. Fortunately, it is non-toxic, so anyone who can tolerate the horrible taste and can overcome the initial onset of nausea, can take it daily to prevent kidney disease and degeneration of their endocrine system.
Sodium bicarbonate dosage to improve kidneys
Properly administering sodium bicarbonate for those who are in danger of developing kidney disease and / or want to improve the kidneys and their function, initially involves taking 1/2 teaspoon of sublingual sodium bicarbonate (they dissolve under the tongue) in the first day. Next, take 1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate and 1/2 teaspoon of sodium chloride (kitchen salt) in 1.5 liters of water to drink daily for two to three days.
Then reduce the daily dose to 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/3 teaspoon of salt. If this makes you feel sick, then take the indicated amounts of baking soda sublingually each day.
People who want to improve their kidneys should keep in mind that there are still some additional tests that need to be performed to create a complete picture of the benefits of sodium bicarbonate intake. However, for those who are serious about it, repairing the damage that an unhealthy lifestyle or a diet rich in fat and sugar can cause, having and using baking soda on hand may be the miracle you've been looking for. to improve the kidneys.
Always consult a specialist before going alone for a treatment that involves the health of your body.
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