There are options to substitute cow's milk, many of them are vegetable options, which are healthy and nutritious, this is the case of oat milk, but just as it can have many advantages, it also has some disadvantages that you should know before deciding to opt to change cow's milk for oat milk, read on and find out what they are.
Oat milk is as the name suggests: made from oats. This cereal has been used in Anglo-Saxon and Northern European foods for multiple uses, and especially in the manufacture of oatmeal porridge. Oats are one of the cereals that can allow the development of a vegetable milk.
How is oat milk made?
Oat milk is made from ground oats with water and oil, then this mixture is cooked. Enzymes are then added that break down the starch to sugar. Therefore, organic oat milk is better as it must be produced without GMOs and does not contain animal products.
Why is oatmeal healthy?
The Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber that, first, we packed and, secondly, increases digestion. The beta-glucan content is even supposed to lower LDL cholesterol in the blood. And there is more health in the grain: prebiotics, which nourish and strengthen the good bacteria in the gut.
This has a positive effect on our immune system, our skin, and our mood. Of course, all these properties apply to oatmeal drinks, although to a lesser extent. But you should pay attention when you choose to buy a product without added sugar.
This is not only healthier, but it is also low in calories: 100 ml of unsweetened oat milk has about 47 kcal, 1.3 g of fat, 8 g of carbohydrates and 0.3 g of protein. Of course, if you combine milk with a sugar-free cereal, it's even better.
Is oatmeal gluten free?
If you really have a gluten intolerance, oatmeal is not the best option for you, because it actually contains gluten, after all, oatmeal is a cereal.
The market now has gluten-free oatmeal drinks, or to be on the safe side, you can make the milk alternative yourself by mixing a serving of oatmeal soaked with ten times the amount of water and sifting through a bag of nut milk.
The advantage of making your own oat milk is that you can determine the creaminess and sweetness by adding more or less water or maple syrup. The downside is that the result will be a bit "slimy" compared to purchased products.
Advantages of consuming oat milk
Oatmeal is low in fat. It does not contain cholesterol and helps lower cholesterol. This is due to the water soluble fiber ß-glucan, which is passed from the oat grain into the drink.
1. Low glycemic index
Unlike some plant-based milks such as rice milk, oat milk has a low glycemic index, comparable to cow's milk. This means that it is absorbed more slowly by the body, making it a substitute for cow's milk for a person with diabetes.
2. Ideal for vegetarians
Oat milk is not milk per se, but rather a vegetable drink or juice, if we want to be precise. Therefore, this oat juice has the advantage of a substitute for cow's milk for a vegetarian person.
3. Free of lactose and cholesterol
Being 100% natural oat milk, it is a milk free of lactose and cholesterol, as opposed to cow's milk. As long as it is an organic or homemade oat milk.
4. Rich in vitamins
Oat milk is a source of vitamins, especially vitamins of the B complex and vitamin E.
Disadvantages of oat milk
It has less calcium than cow's milk: Oat milk contains less calcium than cow's milk. To be a true alternative to cow's milk, you must choose calcium-fortified oat milk.
As you can see, it has more advantages than disadvantages, and its properties can be used by both vegans, vegetarians, people with lactose intolerances or gluten intolerance.
So far there is no evidence or contraindication that has actually been reported for the use of oat milk, as long as it is consumed in adequate and recommended doses, like all things, after all.
Without a doubt, packaged oat milk is rich in additives, preservatives and sugars that can decrease some of its intrinsic beneficial properties, such as thickeners and emulsifiers that can affect the health of the digestive system and could alter the gut microbiome.
Although oatmeal is naturally gluten-free and celiac-friendly, it is often processed in establishments that also treat other gluten-containing grains such as wheat or barley, with consequent cross contamination.
It should be remembered that while cow's milk and almond milk can be safely heated, oatmeal becomes denser and gelatinous when heated, and therefore it is preferable to consume it at a natural temperature.
Having a hearty mixture of protein, fibre, healthy fats, and carbs can help you ultimately shed those pounds and steer clear of extreme hunger when fasting. A good example, per Savage? Grilled chicken (you want about 4 to 6 oz of protein) with half of a small sweet potato, and sautéed spinach with garlic and olive oil.