The benefits of prunes to treat constipation and improve the health of the human body are several and very little known. Raisins contain a significant amount of fiber, but their main benefit comes from a component called sorbitol. Sorbitol is a type of sugar that has the ability to improve various functions of the body.
Sorbitol benefits from prunes
· This property is not completely digested and eventually ends up promoting the formation of bacteria in the intestine, this is equivalent to the function of a probiotic.
· As it is not completely digested, it applies another of its functions, which is that it extracts liquid from the intestinal tract. Adding this action to the previous one results in a bowel movement.
Ingest with caution
It is recommended to consume no more than 0.17 grams per kilo in women, in men 0.25 grams per kilo. Consuming more than this recommendation can cause diarrhoea, abdominal pain and gas. There are a small number of people who are intolerant to sorbitol in prunes. One of its first symptoms is abdominal pain, diarrhea and even headaches. If this is not the case, enjoying them is a highly recommended option.
Prunes to treat constipation
But the benefits of prunes are several, one of them is directly on constipation. As is known, constipation appears when there is a lack of water and fiber in the diet. It is one of the most common problems and it is not serious, but it’s annoying symptoms are worth treating to avoid having a bad time.
Relieving constipation with prunes is a quick and effective method. Its two main components act immediately, both fiber and sorbitol. If you do not like the wrinkled consistency of its natural state, it can be made in juice, yes, it must be taken into account that when adding water to the fiber decreases.
To treat this problem, it is recommended to consume 100 g of prunes. If you decide to make juice then you should consume 150 g. Its effect can take between 20 to 30 minutes. In this period of time, sorbitol and fiber begin to do their work throughout the intestinal tract.
Prunes recipe
· 1 cup dried plums
· 1 litre of water
· 1 container
You should place the plums in the container, add the liter of water and let it boil. Let it rest for a couple of hours, after that time it is transferred to a blender, mixed for a few minutes and finally strained. It can be sweetened with honey; the longer you spend resting, the more effective prune juice would be for constipation. Take a maximum of two cups a day. In the morning before breakfast and the other at night before going to sleep.
Other recommendations to relieve constipation
As described, prunes are used to treat constipation, but there are many other recommendations that can be seen below:
· You exercise regularly, preferably a routine that can be varied two or three times a week.
· Drink at least one liter of water a day,
· If the need to go to the bathroom increases, you should go, it is detrimental to contain the urge, aggravating the problem of constipation.
· Avoid skipping meals and maintain an orderly daily consumption.
· Avoid excessive consumption of fast foods such as cakes, white breads, donuts, hamburgers, sausages, fried foods and the like.
· Eat foods that contain significant amounts of fiber and water.
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